
We may be in the middle of another Melbourne winter, but there are still plenty of things you can do when gardening at home during the colder months. So, pull up your wellies, slip on some gardening gloves, and discover our little winter gardening secrets.

1. Lawn Mowing

Grass grows at a slower rate in the winter, but it never stops growing. The best way to keep your grass strong and healthy in the winter months is by increasing the mowing height and decreasing the mowing frequency.

2. Landscaping

The conditions might not always be the greatest, but the wintertime is when you want to tackle those landscaping jobs you’ve been putting off.

3. Vegetable Patch

Your veggie patch can be reinvigorated and primed for summer. Mix compost through the soil and clear out dead foliage. Winter is when you can think about what you’ll want to grow through the year. There are also plenty of winter vegetables you can grow in your garden.

4. Time to Mulch

Besides Lawn mowing, mulching will ensure your lawn remains strong through the cold season. Apply mulch to protect your garden from the elements, control temperature, and keep weed growth in check. Feel free to ask if you’re unsure what type of mulch would work best for your garden.

5. Pest Control

It may be winter, but snails, slugs, moles and voles never rest. With adequate pesticides, perimeter control, or skill, it is easy enough to keep on top of these and other undesirables through winter.

6. Protect Your More Delicate Plants

The lawn is well-trimmed, the soil is well-fed, and your flowerbeds are neat. Unfortunately, some plants don’t survive the harsher winter conditions unaided. Move your tropical plants to a more sheltered area or give them extra protection.

7. Enjoy Your Lawn

The work you put into your garden this winter will be very gratifying. It may be colder, but that doesn’t mean you and your family can’t spend quality time in your outdoor area.

Get Started This Winter

We hope our little winter gardening secrets will be of use to you. If you are unsure about what to do with your garden through the cold weather, do not hesitate to give Jim’s Mowing Melbourne a call. We can assist with lawn mowing, landscaping and everything else you would like done to your outdoor space.

Contact us today.