
Our Start Gardening Series aims to help those who are new to the hobby to get started. From knowing what vegetables to plant to ensure you have the right tools to start, Jim’s Mowing is the expert, and we want to share the joy of gardening with you – because we shouldn’t be having all the fun, right?

So, you’ve purchased a home with a garden – good for you! You probably don’t realise the joy it’s going to bring, and we’re excited to share this journey with you.

Gardening is a relaxing activity that allows you to reap the fruits of your labour – literally.
However, it can seem a bit overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the hobby or don’t have much experience.

Being prepared is key – So, before you start digging wildly, purchasing vegetable bulbs out of season or chopping back trees with no guidance, here are some beginner tips on gardening to get started.

#1 Have the right tools

Depending on the size of your property, it’s vital to have the right garden tools to maintain it. However, when starting from scratch, you can get the bare essentials first and build up from there

  1. Gloves – protect your hands with robust gloves to ensure that the metal from the tools doesn’t cause blisters, and you can keep your nails clean.
  2. Garden fork – small, hand-held fork that you use to turn soil, plant and remove weeds.
  3. Hand Trowel – this multi-purpose tool is perfect for moving soil, transplanting bedding and removing weeds.

When you’re choosing your tools, ensure to hold them in your hands first before you buy. As gardening requires a tight grip and forceful movements for longer periods of time, the handle should fit comfortably in your hand in both a loose and tight grip.

If you have a larger garden with trees, have a garden rake for dry leaves and loppers to chop branches.

#2 Know your garden

Sure, you gaze at your garden every day from your window – but do you really know your garden? As you’ll most likely get lost staring at your beautiful space, there are some key things that you should take note of –

Every garden is different but when you’re more familiar with these aspects, you’ll have a better idea of –

#3 Mowing the Lawn

Depending on the size of your lawn, you can easily rent or purchase a lawn mower, suitable for the job. In addition, if your lawn runs against your home or other structures, you could also benefit from a whipper snipper to get to those hard-to-reach places.

Lawn maintenance can be a hassle but if you want lush, green, healthy grass, you have to put in the work.

If you’re a client of Jim’s Mowing, we’ll implement a routine that suits your schedule. Alternatively, if you’re looking to maintain your lawn yourself, the frequency varies and is dependent on the season –

Call a professional lawn care service

If your garden is a bit wild, or you simply don’t have the time to maintain it on your own, Jim’s Mowing operates across Australia.

Stay up to date with our Start Gardening Series right here.